MSU-Meridian's Boggan, Cross honored for research

MSU-Meridian's Boggan, Cross honored for research

2015 Exceptional Research and Leadership Recognition

MERIDIAN, Miss.-- Two Mississippi State University-Meridian representatives are 2015 selections for exceptional research and leadership recognition.

Matthew Boggan and Adrian Cross joined 47 other honorees, their guests and senior administrators for an April 30 awards luncheon in the Hunter Henry Center’s Hal and Linda Parker Ballroom on the Starkville campus.

As a major student-oriented research university, Mississippi State is improving the quality of life “for millions of people here at home and around the world,” MSU President Mark E. Keenum said.

“Your research is helping make our public schools better, our communities stronger, our food safer, our vehicles more efficient, our critical infrastructure more secure, and our farms and factories both more profitable and more environmentally friendly,” he said.

The annual research awards program honors individuals who contribute significantly to MSU’s mission of research. In addition to faculty, it recognizes and rewards students and staff for accomplishments and creative endeavors, as well as for increasing awareness of the university’s many research programs and capabilities.

An associate professor of educational leadership, Boggan joined Mississippi State in 2007. In 2009, he successfully led a group of faculty in funding a $3-million U.S. Department of Education Alternate Route Teaching grant application called Learning and Educating through Alternative Programs (LEAP). The LEAP Scholarships have placed 151 quality teachers in high-need school districts in Mississippi over the last six years. He recently led a second team of faculty and staff with another USDE application to address specific teacher shortages and preparation in underserved Mississippi districts.

Cross is a graduate student at MSU-Meridian, and is majoring in community college education with an emphasis in educational psychology.

A native of Meridian, she is the non-traditional student recruiter for Meridian Community College. She is the daughter of Fred and Sandra Cross, both of whom are also natives of Meridian.

The awards program and banquet are co-sponsored by the offices of the vice presidents for Research and Economic Development and the Division of Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine.

“Our research enterprise is strong and growing thanks to our world-class faculty, students and staff, and I always look forward to recognizing them here,” said David Shaw, vice president for research and economic development.

Greg Bohach, vice president for agriculture, forestry and veterinary medicine, echoed Shaw’s assessment.

“The awards banquet is one of my favorite events because it’s an opportunity to recognize the commitment to excellence of our university’s scientists, staff and students, and their collaborative efforts,” he said.

As the state’s flagship research university, MSU is a recognized leader in a number of fields, and well known for productive partnerships, real-world impact, and offering undergraduate and graduate students unique research opportunities. In FY 2013, MSU’s research and development expenditures totaled $206 million -- representing nearly half of all R&D by higher education in the state, according to National Science Foundation data.

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Pictured at the 2015 Exceptional Research and Leadership Recognition awards luncheon are:  Dr. Mark Keenum, president of Mississippi State University, Dr. Matthew Boggan, associate professor of educational leadership, Adrian Cross, graduate student and Dr. Julia Porter, head of the division of Education at MSU-Meridian