Library Services

Our goal of the Phil Hardin Foundation Libraries at MSU-Meridian’s College Park and Riley Campuses is to support the research and information needs of the faculty, staff and students at MSU-Meridian.
Part of Mississippi State University Libraries, the Phil Hardin Foundation Libraries serve as a local facility for accessing printed and electronic materials, obtaining reference assistance library research help, as well as consultations and library instruction.
The local libraries have over 11,000 books and journals. We offer teaching/computer labs with computer workstations, a small conference room, printing and photocopying capabilities and staff on hand to assist with library and information needs. In addition, the MSU-Meridian academic community has access to resources and services offered on the University Libraries website at
Resources and Services Available
The University Library web page enables access electronic resources, the book collection, electronic reserves, subject guides, online tutorials, reference help and much more.
- Online Catalog: Provides access to the book and journal holdings at University Libraries, plus 55 state-wide member libraries of the Mississippi Library Partnership
- Databases: The library subscribes to over 600 databases, by name of the database, by broad subject category, or across subject areas through resources
- Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad): Enables borrowing of library materials owned by other universities, usually free of charge
- Document Delivery: Permits books and other library materials to be placed “On Hold” and transported between MSU Campuses
- Library Assistance: Get library assistance through Live Chat online reference assistance, Library Research Consultations, research, in-person or by phone
- Workshops: See University Library web site for the latest workshops.
For Faculty
- Library research instruction sessions can be scheduled for library instruction in the Library or at the classroom
- Requests for new materials are always welcome. If you have recommendations for the book collection, a journal or a multimedia product, please contact us.
- Course Reserves services are available for books, e-reserves, DVDs, and other materials selected for your students' use.
College Park Library Hours:
The library is located at Room 111 on the College Park Campus.
Monday through Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Riley Campus Library Hours:
The library is located at Room 1010 of the Rosenbaum Building on the Riley Campus.
Monday through Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
If you need assistance in accessing electronic resources, obtaining library materials, or for reference assistance, please stop by or contact the MSU Meridian Library staff by phone or by email.
You can also ask for assistance through the MSU Libraries’ Live Chat service.
In addition to housing a collection supporting the academic needs of the campuses, the Phil Hardin Foundation Libraries provide areas for individual study, teaching labs, and open computer labs.
College Park Campus:
Riley Campus:
Contact Us

Melanie Thomas
- Associate Professor
- Librarian & Information Specialist