Academic Advising

The Academic Advising Center is located on the College Park Campus on the upper level. Every student at the MSU-Meridian campus is assigned a faculty advisor within his or her designated division.
Individual majors are listed below and linked to their respective web pages. Scroll to the bottom of each page to find the advisor along with contact info. It is recommended that you make plans to meet with an advisor.
Before registering for any semester, each student is responsible for consulting his or her advisor to secure approval for a specific schedule of courses. The student is then released to register for classes. A period for schedule planning and registration for the following semester is provided near the end of each regular term. Late registration and walk-in registration is conducted immediately prior to the beginning of classes.
A student who, for any reason has been unable to register during these scheduled registration periods, may still do so up to the last day for registration and adding courses as listed in the Academic Calendar-but may find the choices of courses and sections limited.