B.S. Healthcare Administration Course Curriculum

B.S. Healthcare Administration Course Curriculum

General Ed Requirements (30-32 Hours) HRS Prerequisites: 
EN 1104 English Composition I 3 ACT English 17 or EN 0103 Basic English (C Grade)
EN 1113 English Composition II 3 EN 1103
  Fine Art 3 See MSU Undergraduate catalog for gen ed course options.
  Humanities 3
  Humanities 3
EC 2113 Principles of Macroeconomics  3  
EC 2123 Principles of Microeconomics  3  
MA 1613 Calculus for Life Sciences & Business1 or MA 1713 Calculus I2 3 1ACT Math 24 or MA 1313 College Algebra (C grade) 2ACT Math 26 or MA 1323 Trig or MA 1453 Precalculus (C grade)
  Science with a Lab 4 See MSU Undergraduate catalog for gen ed course options.
  Science with a Lab 4
Major Core (69 Hours) HRS Prerequisites:
ACC 2013 Principles of Financial Accounting 3  
BQA 2113 Business Statistics I3 or ST 2113 Introduction to Stats4 3 3MA 1613 or MA 1713 and BIS 1012 (or equivalent) 4ACT Math 24 or MS 1313 Col Alg or MA 1213 Math in Your World (C grade)
BQA 3123 Business Statistics II 3 BQA 2113 or St 2113 or MA 2113
CO 1003 Fundamentals of Public Speaking or CO 1013 Introduction to Stats 3  
FIN 3123 Financial Management 3 ACC 2013 and EC 2123 and BQA 2113 (or equivalent)
MGT 3213 Organizational Communication or EN 3313 Writing for the Workplace 3 EN 1113 and Junior Standing
  Upper Division Electives 3000/4000 5  
HCA 3103 Health Information Systems  3 Junior Standing
HCA 3113 Managing Healthcare Orgs 3 Junior Standing or Instructor
HCA 3123 Healthcare Economics  3 EC 2123
HCA 3133 HC Logistics & Supply Chain 3 Junior Standing 
HCA 3203 Healthcare Marketing  3 Junior Standing
HCA 3313 Intro to U.S. Healthcare System 3  
HCA 3513 Human Resource Mgt in HC 3 Junior Standing or Instructor 
HCA 3813 Intro to HC Law and Regulation  3  
HCA 4013 Healthcare Ethics 3  
HCA 4103 Quality Mgt & Proc Improvement 3 BQA 2113 or ST 2113 or equivalent 
HCA 4123 Intro to Health Informatics  3 HCA 3103 or equivalent 
HCA 4303 Finance for Healthcare 3 FIN 3123
HCA 4404 Strategic Mgt for Healthcare 4 Graduating Senior; HCA 3313, 3123, 3113, and 4303
HCA 4443 Healthcare Internship *must be arranged by student 3 HCA 3313 and 3813
HCA 4803 Healthcare Policy 3 HCA 3813 or Instructor 
Free Electives (19-21 Hours) HRS Minimum Graduation Requirements 
1000-4000 Free Electives to reach 120 total hours 19-21 2.00 MSU GPA and 2.00 Overall GPA
if 8hrs Science, 19hrs Electives; if 6hrs Science, 21hrs Electives 30 hours upper-level (3000/4000) credits earned at MSU
Total Hours to Graduate  120 Final 30 hours of credits earned at MSU

*transfer students wishing to major in HCA must have achieved a minimum overall GPA of 2.5 by beginning of junior year

Candy Adams

Academic Advisor