Program Goals & Learning Outcomes

Program Goals & Learning Outcomes

MSU MPAS Student Learning Outcomes

MSU has adopted nationally recognized PA Professional Competencies as the basis for the Program Student Learning Outcomes. They articulate what the student will be able to do after he/she completes the Program.

Program Learning Outcome 1 (PLO 1): Medical Knowledge

Medical knowledge includes the synthesis of pathophysiology, patient presentation, differential diagnosis, patient management, surgical principles, health promotion, and disease prevention. PA students must demonstrate core knowledge about established and evolving biomedical and clinical sciences and the application of this knowledge to patient care. Graduate PAs are expected to: 

PLO 1.1: Apply the medical, behavioral, and social science knowledge necessary to effectively evaluate, treat, and manage patients across the lifespan taking into consideration the patient’s personal, social and cultural values as well as social determinants of health.

PLO 1.2: Recognize, assess, diagnose, and longitudinally manage medical conditions in patients across the lifespan with various types of presentations evaluated in various practice settings.

PLO 1.3: Provide counseling, patient education, interventions, and appropriate referral for optimal health with health promotion, maintenance, and restoration.

Program Learning Outcome 2 (PLO 2): Interpersonal and Communication Skills

Interpersonal and communication skills encompass the verbal, nonverbal, written, and electronic exchange of information. PA students must demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills that result in effective information exchange with patients, patients’ families, physicians, professional associates, and other individuals within the health care system.  Graduate PAs are expected to:

PLO 2.1: Demonstrate communication and skills which facilitates the effective exchange of information and collaboration with patients, their families, and other health professionals through a sensitive and respectful manner.

PLO 2.2: Utilize verbal and nonverbal communication skills in a compassionate and culturally responsive manner to accurately assess patient presentation and effectively deliver the management plan through oral and written methods.

PLO 2.3: Exhibit professional and ethical behaviors and attitudes becoming of a medical care provider.

Program Learning Outcome 3 (PLO 3): Patient care

Patient care includes patient- and setting-specific assessment, evaluation, and management. PA students must demonstrate effective, safe, high quality, equitable health care practice. PA students must obtain a relevant medical history, adequately perform physical examinations, and implement treatment plans on patients of all age groups, appropriate to the patient’s condition. In addition, PA students must demonstrate proficiency in technical procedures and health care that are effective, patient-centered, safe, compassionate, and culturally appropriate for the treatment of medical problems and the promotion of health. Graduate PAs are expected to:

PLO 3.1: Collaborate effectively within interprofessional teams to provide high quality, multidisciplinary, patient-centered health care for all patients.

PLO 3.2: Develop patient-centered diagnostic and therapeutic intervention plans based on patient care preferences, current scientific evidence, social determinants of health and informed clinical judgment.

PLO 3.3: Perform procedural and technical skills required for entry-level PA practice.

Program Learning Outcome 4 (PLO 4): Professionalism

Professionalism is the expression of positive values and ideals in the delivery of health care. Professionalism involves prioritizing the interests of others above one’s own. PA students must acknowledge their professional and personal limitations. Professionalism requires that PAs practice without impairment from substance abuse, cognitive deficiency, or mental illness. PA students must demonstrate a high level of responsibility, ethical practice, sensitivity to diverse patient populations, and strict adherence to legal and regulatory requirements. Graduate PAs are expected to demonstrate: 

PLO 4.1: Foster ethical relationships with all members of an interdisciplinary healthcare team, while acknowledging professional and personal limitations.

PLO 4.2: Describe the role of a physician assistant including ethical and profession standards, as well as, legal and regulatory requirements governing PA practice.

PLO 4.3: Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to patients’ disability status, special healthcare needs, and social determinants of health in all interactions.

Program Learning Outcome 5: Practice-Based Learning and Improvement

Practice-based learning and improvement includes the processes through which PAs engage in critical analysis of their own practice experience, the medical literature, and other information resources for the purposes of self- and practice-improvement. PA students must be able to assess, evaluate, and improve their patient care practices. Graduate PAs are expected to:

PLO 5.1: Critically evaluate published practice guidelines and research literature to advance medical knowledge and improve patient outcomes.

PLO 5.2: Engage in self-assessment of medical knowledge, professionalism, social interactions and physical limitations to guide on-going professional development and improve patient care. 

Program Learning Outcome 6: Systems-Based Practice

Systems-based practice encompasses the societal, organizational, and economic environments in which health care is delivered. PA students must demonstrate an awareness of and responsiveness to the larger system of health care to provide patient care that balances quality and cost, while maintaining the primacy of the individual patient. PAs should work to improve the health care system of which their practices are a part. Graduate PAs are expected to:

PLO 6.1: Identify components and utilize resources of the healthcare system to support evidence-based patient care and the application of public health and preventative care practices.

PLO 6.2: Demonstrate knowledge of Mississippi healthcare disparities and social determinants of health to develop evidence-based healthcare strategies to reduce these disparities for individuals, communities, and the state.

Student Attrition

  Graduated Classes
Class of 2023 Class of 2024 Class of 2025
Maximum entering class size (as approved by ARC-PA) 20 30 30
Entering class size 20 25 30
Graduates 18 24 #
* Attrition rate 10% 4% #
** Graduation rate 90% 96% #

* Attrition rate calculation: Number of students who attritted from cohort divided by the entering class size.

** Graduation rate: Number of cohort graduates divided by the entering class size.


1. Recruit and select highly qualified applicants annually.
  Measure: Matriculating cohort meets at least three of four of the following admissions metrics as collected through CASPA: Overall GPA > 3.5, Overall Science GPA > 3.5, Total patient care hours > 2080, and healthcare shadowing hours > 120.


  Cohort 1 Cohort 2 Cohort 3 Cohort 4
Overall GPA 3.5 3.5 3.4 3.5
Science GPA 3.3 3.5 3.3 3.4
Patient Care Hours 3652 2512 2417 2705
Shadowing Hours 153 145 185 145
Goal Outcome  met  met not met met
  n=20 n=25 n=30 n=30


2. Obtain Accreditation-continuing status with ARC-PA in 2025.
  Measure: Accreditation status assigned by ARC-PA


Year Accreditation Status Goal Outcome
2021 Accreditation-provisional In progress
2022 Accreditation-provisional In progress
2023 Accreditation-provisional In progress
2024 Accreditation-provisional In progress
2025 Accreditation-provisional In progress


3. Achieve cohort graduation rate 90% or greater annually.
  Measure: graduation rate per cohort


Year Graduation rate Goal Outcome
2021 NA No measure
2022 NA No measure
2023 90% Met
2024 96% Met
2025 Pending May 2025 Pending


4. Achieve first-time PANCE pass rate above national average annually.
  Measure: First-time PANCE pass rate meeting national average per cohort.


Year First-time PANCE Pass rate National Average Pass Rate Goal Outcome
2021 NA NA No measure
2022 NA NA No measure
2023 67% 92% Not met
2024 83% 92% Not met
2025 Pending May 2025 Pending Pending


NCCPA PANCE Performance