About Us

About Us

Welcome to the Division of Education! We offer on-campus and synchronous online programs in a diverse range of subjects in education at the undergraduate and graduate level. With offerings in traditional P-12 education, such as elementary education, alternate route secondary education, school counseling, and educational leadership, we can provide a wide range of opportunities for anyone interested in educating our children and adolescents!  Additionally, we offer programs in community college education, clinical mental health, educational design, school psychology and combined health services psychology!

Our programs are grounded in each respective discipline’s essential knowledge, best practices, relevant research, and clinical training. Teaching is of utmost importance to faculty within the Division of Education, and we are committed to excellence in our own teaching. Students are provided with support systems to learn both in the classroom and out in the field where they will be practicing. Our faculty are well-known within our state and are recognized at the national and international level within their respective fields.

So, how can the Division of Education help you “take care of what matters”? Drop by our administrative offices on the College Park Campus, which is located at 1000 Highway 19 North in Meridian, or give us a call at 601.484.0170, and we will help you chart a path to reaching your academic and professional goals!

Accrediting Entities

Programs within the MSU-Meridian Division of Education are accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP), and/or the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP).

For information on Mississippi State University accreditation click here: http://www.provost.msstate.edu/about/accreditation/.

History & Mission

  • 1972 Meridian Campus of Mississippi State University was approved by the Mississippi Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL).
  • 1973 Division of Education began with three faculty members whose areas of expertise included early childhood, reading, curriculum and secondary social studies. Course offerings were supplemented by faculty from the Starkville campus.
  • 1974 Counselor Education was added to program offerings.
  • 1975 East Mississippi Center for Educational Development was started with the support of the Phil Hardin Foundation.
  • Early 1980s coordinators were named who supervised the Meridian faculty.
  • August 29, 1993, new Mississippi State University-Meridian facility was dedicated.
  • 1994-2001 partnership with Oakland Heights Elementary to provide teacher training and support.
  • Late 1990s faculty positions changed to tenure track.
  • 2012 Special Education degree program was added.
  • 2014 Kinesiology degree program was added.
  • 2019 Teacher Leadership emphasis was added to the Educational Leadership degree program.

With a tradition of excellence in the areas of teaching, research, and service, Mississippi State University’s Meridian Division of Education has a demonstrated record of distinction that spans over four decades. Formed in 1973 with a faculty of three whose areas of expertise included early childhood, reading, curriculum, and secondary social studies, the Division has since added a number of undergraduate and graduate degree programs, all of which are state and/or nationally accredited. Most recently, an emphasis in Teacher Leadership was added to the Educational Leadership graduate degree program. With our expansion of degree offerings, the Division is able to better serve our community, our state, and beyond.

The mission of the Division of Education at MSU-Meridian is to prepare highly qualified professionals to serve as teachers, administrators, supervisors, counselors, and other professionals in educational settings, industry, and human service agencies.


Changing Tomorrow Through Education Today


  • The Division of Education values outstanding teaching and is dedicated to offering nationally accredited programs that are based on essential knowledge, sound practice, relevant research, and realistic clinical training in the preparation of its students.
  • The Division is committed to providing diverse professional development opportunities.
  • Through its leadership in teaching, service, research, recruitment, and international activities, the Division of Education prepares professionals who contribute substantially to the improvement of the lives of an increasing diverse group of individuals in our changing, technologically complex, and diverse society.